

Join us in our mission to empower individuals and strengthen communities through accessible homeownership opportunities. Partnering with HCAC means becoming an integral part of a network committed to creating lasting positive change in the housing landscape. As a partner agency, you'll have the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations, share resources, and leverage collective expertise to address housing challenges effectively.

At HCAC, we believe in the power of collaboration to drive meaningful impact. Whether you're a local government agency, a financial institution, a housing nonprofit, or a community-based organization, there are various ways to get involved. From participating in our advocacy initiatives to offering financial support or contributing specialized knowledge, your partnership strengthens our collective ability to provide vital resources, support, and advocacy to individuals and families in need. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that everyone has access to safe, affordable housing options.

To join, email Ken Bigos, [email protected]

Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations, PACDC, is a member organization that does not fulfill housing counseling responsibilities directly but provides immense support to housing counseling agencies.

“PACDC recognizes and identifies the issues faced by housing counseling agencies to respond effectively to the changing and growing demand for services. We understand the tremendous value of Housing Counselors in keeping residents, both homeowners and renters, safe, secure, and stable in their homes and communities. We advocate for and have won additional resources for Agencies, as housing counseling work has grown in magnitude and complexity over the past few years. We continue to support the great work of HCAC in providing communities within Philadelphia with safe and affordable housing.
In addition, PACDC works with HCAC to identify best practices within the industry, impediments to the work, ways to develop and nurture talent, ways to increase the pipeline of counselors, and ways to address the stresses and trauma within our communities and our frontline housing counselors.The value of client facing staff within CDCs and other community-based organizations throughout Philadelphia is immeasurable and integral. PACDC recognizes that the effort to increase access to affordable housing is strenuous and requires dedication and tenacity. As an advocate, convener and capacity building organization, we continue to offer a space for housing counselors to receive peer support and share best practices. We seek to strengthen the services provided within the community by providing training, mentorship, and resources to staff involved in housing services, increase access to trauma-informed care and wellness opportunities that inform and create consistency within front-line work at housing agencies, and to advocate for increase resources for their work.” PACDC quote